Thursday 14 April 2011

Research of events

Changing Of Names
The first point is when all the Koreans were forced to take on Japanese names. The people who do not change their names will be arrested by the police and would be sent to prison.

Sharon Tree Being Chopped Down
The Sharon trees were being chopped down in all Korean homes. The Japanese did that because they wanted to replace the national trees of Korea to the national trees of Japan, which was the Cherry blossoms. This was because the Japanese wanted to chop down the pride of Korea and mock them as they do so and represent Korea as Japan. The Sharon tree is also pride of Korea and the only thing that represented Korea. By chopping down the Sharon trees, it means that the Japanese are taking away their history, culture, language, etc. as the trees represented Korea.

Tae-yul's Bicycle Being Taken Away By The Japanese Soldiers
Tae-yul’s bicycle was taken away by the Japanese soldiers. They did this so they could take advantage of the Koreans to use them as source of materials to help in war efforts as they have lack of materials to make weapons for warfare. They did this so that Koreans will recognise Japanese to be more superior than Koreans no matter what the Koreans position or status is.

Metal Being Taken Away
The metal being was taken away from all Korean homes for war efforts. This is another example of the Japanese taking advantage of the Koreans as sources of materials for the replacement of insufficient war materials. They think that they can take anything that belongs to the Koreans just because they are more superior than the Koreans and how they can use Koreans whenever they wanted to.

War Is Over
The ending of the war. The Americans won the battle and the Japanese surrendered. The war ending is a great celebration for the Koreans as they are free and have gained their own rights and culture back from the Japanese. All the countries under the dictatorship of Japan have finally been freed and Japan has finally fallen. The Japanese empire has fallen.

1 comment:

  1. How is this a research? If it is then you have to show me the references.
