Thursday 7 April 2011

Draft of Letter to Linda Sue Park.

5th April 2011

Dear Ms. Linda Sue Park,

My grandson has told me about your book "When My Name Was Keoko" and after reading it, I have realised that I am the character in the book, "Tae-Yul". I noticed that there are several events that are similar to what I had experienced during World War II and the Japanese occupation, when I was a teenage. It also relates the same thing as the Japanese and my family.

These are some of the 10 events that I should probably list down to prove to you that I am "Tae-Yul".

1. Changing of Korean names to Japanese names
2. Sharon tree forced to be chopped off in all Korean homes
3. Tae-Yul's bike being taken away by Japanese soldiers
4. Tae-Yul volunteering to work at airstrip
5. All Korean houses' metals being taken away
6. When the whole war is over

I understand that you would not believe me because I have the information from your book. I have compiled everything that can be known as evidence into my old scrapbook that i used to write in during World War II. I hope you would take the time to look through it and I hope that I can gain your trust that I am "Tae-Yul".

Yours Sincerely,
Rhee Jae-Sun

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